Hot Springs Canyon, by Kai Staats

Hot Springs Canyon, by Kai Staats Hot Springs Canyon, by Kai Staats

Hot Springs Canyon, by Kai Staats Hot Springs Canyon, by Kai Staats

Hot Springs Canyon, by Kai Staats Hot Springs Canyon, by Kai Staats

Hot Springs Canyon, by Kai Staats Hot Springs Canyon, by Kai Staats

Hot Springs Canyon, by Kai Staats Hot Springs Canyon, by Kai Staats

Hot Springs Canyon, by Kai Staats Hot Springs Canyon, by Kai Staats

Hot Springs Canyon, by Kai Staats We walked to this place from my back door and spent the afternoon listening. Everything we heard was clear. A hawk call, a leaf fall, and the sound of a water were undeniable and real.

I am more a part of this place than I ever will be of the constructed world. We all are. Yet the thing we are all hiding from, the nearly invisible string of DNA neither living or dead knows there is no separation between us and them, between the wealthy and the poor; black, white, and brown; uneducated and well read. Biological systems eventually transcend all social and geographic borders. There is no beginning or end, only the creativity of evolution and the tenacious, constant change. We are part of this process, not a destination. This is a time to celebrate simple things again.