
I take this moment to say thank you. Thank you for welcoming me into your places of work, worship, and education. Thank you for allowing me to be a part of your life for this brief period of time.

I recognize that while four months was for me a full journey, it was but a few short moments in your life. To have volunteers and co-workers come and go so frequently, to have had engaged and let go so many times must be challenging.

I knew it would be impossible to come to know you fully. As one who prefers depth of connection over light relationships, I engaged you to the best of my ability. In these final three weeks I was given opportunity to recognize how many more friendships could unfold. I hope to return soon, to pick up where we left off.

In my work with you, I took on a bit more than I was able to handle, wanting to engage in and learn about your complex home. My time behind the computer was greater than that in drinking tea, but I will do my best to share your stories as I continue to roam.

I hope to return soon, Ishallah.
